We're Simply Called Christians

We're Simply Called Christians

The church of Christ which meets here in Fair Lawn, NJ is a non-denominational group of people who are simply New Testament Christians.  We believe that  the Bible is the true and inspired word of God.  We also believe that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord and the only authority and head of the church.  There is no man or group who legislate for the church.  Without church creed or hierarchy we are governed in faith and conduct by the Bible alone.

We believe, as the Bible states, that God the Father sent His only son to this earth for our salvation and  that this marvelous gift is for all who hear His word and repent of their sins, confess His name and are buried with the Lord in the water of baptism for the forgiveness of their sins. Acts 2:38 .

Each of us have been baptized into Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins. Our purpose together is to teach and encourage one another in the Christian life and to do the will of our Lord.

It is our desire and also our responsibility to spread the gospel of Christ as stated in Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age."



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  1. Bible Study
    3/12/25 07:30pm
  2. Bible Study
    3/16/25 10:00am
  3. Worship
    3/16/25 11:00am
  4. Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:30pm
  5. Bible Study
    3/23/25 10:00am
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